On detail report - popup(new window) link

Today I have a requirement to show popup link (new window) on detail page, tricky part is popup link has to appear on detail report but not on main report page.

To achieve this,
Use Static Text view along compound view of report with following Java Script and also enable Contains HTML Markup check box.

<--script type="text/javascript">function newPopup(url) {popupWindow = window.open(
<--a href="JavaScript:newPopup('path_to_dashboard_url_or_any_other_url');">Click Here to open in new Window </a--!>

If we want to customize pop up window properties we can accomplish in following ways.Java Script API “Window” has all these properties which can be set through above function.
Status, toolbar, location, menubar, directories, resizable, scrollbars, height and width.
Sample example:
window.open ("http://tipsonobiee.blogspot.com",
"mywindow","menubar=0, resizable=1, width=350, height=250, location=1, toolbar=0, scrollbar=0");