Oracle Business Intelligence in a high availability environment. It outlines the installation and configuration procedures for the BI components needed to achieve end-to-end availability. The Oracle BI components are configured to use the native clustering, load balancing and failover mechanisms. BI components are deployed in
active-active or active-passive mode to maximize availability. Following diagram shows the deployment of Oracle Business Intelligence for high availability.
· A Load Balancer serves as the entry point and load balances Oracle BI web requests to multiple web servers. Two scenarios for the web tier are shown.
· The first scenario shows IIS as the web server with BI Presentation Services Plug-in (ISAPI) deployed.
· The second scenario shows a J2EE based application server with BI Presentation Services Plug-in
deployed in a web container in the J2EE server. Deploying the BI web tier in a De-Militarized
Zone (DMZ) and details on communication over firewalls.
· Multiple instances of BI Presentation Services, BI Servers and BI Scheduler components are installed and the Oracle BI environment is configured for clustering, load balancing and failover Of its components using native capability.
Diagram: Deployment of OBIEE for High Availability
OBIEE Installation
This topic provides general guidelines to help you plan the installation of Oracle BI for high availability.
Determine the number of instances of each Oracle BI component that will form part of the deployment
based on your requirements. The maximum number of BI Servers that can participate in a cluster is 16.
BI Scheduler instances participate in the cluster in an active-passive configuration. Only one BI Scheduler
instance is active and processing requests at a given time; the other instances are passive.
Determine which BI components will be co-located. For example, the Primary Cluster Controller, one BI Server
node and BI Scheduler may be installed on one machine. Identify the machines on which you will deploy the
Oracle BI components. Identify a shared network location for the Presentation Catalog, Repository Publishing Directory, Cluster-Aware Cache and Scheduler Scripts.
For deployments on Windows, identify a Domain account under which the BI services will run. This
Domain account must also have the Log on as a service right. Refer to the appendix Granting the
Oracle BI Log On as Service Right for procedures to perform the task of granting the Log on as a
service right based on your specific Windows platform.
Note the following requirements:
· All BI Servers participating in the cluster need to be within the same domain and on the same
LAN subnet. Geographically separated computers are not supported.
· The clock on each server participating in a cluster must be kept in synchronization. Out-of-sync
clocks can skew reporting.
Installing Oracle BI Cluster Controllers
Install Oracle BI Cluster Controller on the machines that you have identified to host this component by
following the installation steps identified in this topic. For high availability, install two instances of Cluster
Controller on different machines. One instance will serve as the Primary Cluster Controller; the other as the Secondary Cluster Controller.
Oracle BI components are installed using the Oracle Business Intelligence Installer:
1. For Oracle BI Cluster controller, select either Basic or Advanced installation type, depending on
2. For Oracle BI Cluster controller, select the setup type Custom:
· Select the feature Oracle Business Intelligence Cluster Controller for installation.
If you are co-locating other BI components on this machine (for example, BI Server, BI
Scheduler, or both) select the other desired components for installation.
3. On Windows machines, the Oracle BI Services screen is part of the installation.
· Enter a domain account to run the BI services. Do not specify a Local System account.
· Select the start up type for the services—either manual or automatic.
Installing Oracle BI Server
Install BI Server instances on each of the machines that you have identified to host this component by following
the installation steps identified in this topic. You can install a maximum of 16 BI Servers to participate in the BI Cluster.
Oracle BI components are installed using the Oracle Business Intelligence Installer:
1) For Oracle BI Server, select either Basic or Advanced installation type, depending on your
2) For Oracle BI Server, select the setup type Custom.
· Select the feature Oracle Business Intelligence Server for installation.
· If you are co-locating other BI components on this machine (for example, BI Scheduler)
select the other desired components for installation.
3) On Windows machines, the Oracle BI Services screen is part of the installation.
· Enter a domain account to run the BI services. Do not specify a Local System account.
· Select the start up type for the services—either manual or automatic.
The installed BI Servers will be configured to participate in the BI Cluster by setting parameters in
NQSConfig.INI and NQClusterConfig.INI files on each machine that hosts the BI Server.
Installing OBIEE Scheduler
Install BI Scheduler instances on each of the machines that you have identified to host this component by
following the installation steps identified in this topic. The BI Scheduler component participates in the BI Cluster
in active-passive mode. Install BI Scheduler on two machines, one will be identified as the active node and the
other as the passive node.
Oracle BI components are installed using the Oracle Business Intelligence Installer:
1) For Oracle BI Scheduler, select either Basic or Advanced installation type, depending on your
2) For Oracle BI Scheduler, select the setup type Custom.
· Select the feature Oracle Business Intelligence Scheduler for installation.
· If you are co-locating other BI components on this machine (for example, BI Server)
Select the other desired components for installation.
3) On Windows machines, the Oracle BI Services screen is part of the installation.
· Enter a domain account to run the BI services. Do not specify a LocalSystem account.
· Select the start up type for the services—either manual or automatic.
4) Complete the additional configuration steps.
The installed BI Scheduler instances will be configured to participate in the BI Cluster.
Installing Oracle BI Presentation Services and Oracle BI Javahost
Install BI Presentation Services and BI Javahost on each of the machines that you have identified to
host these components following their installation.
In Oracle BI Presentation Services, select either Basic or Advanced installation type, depending
on your deployment.
· For Oracle BI Presentation Services, select the setup type Custom.
1) Select the feature Oracle Business Intelligence Presentation Services for installation.
2) If you are co-locating other BI components on this machine (for example, BI Presentation
Services Plug-in) select the other desired components for installation.
· On Windows machines, the Oracle BI Services screen is part of the installation.
1) Enter a domain account to run the BI services. Do not specify a Local System Account.
2) Select the start up type for the services—either manual or automatic.
The installed BI Presentation Services instances are configured to participate in the BI Cluster by setting parameters in the instanceconfig.xml file on each machine that hosts BI Presentation Services.
OBIEE Shared Files and Directories in Cluster Mode.
The BI components deployed in a clustered environment must share certain files and directories as described below. A shared storage device such as NAS or SAN may be used.
Presentation Catalog:
Create a network share for the Presentation Catalog. All instances of BI Presentation Services in
the cluster must have read and write access to this share.
· Place the Presentation Catalog on the network share.
· Reference the shared Presentation Catalog as \\FSHOST\OracleBIData\web\catalog\Catalog Name,
where “CatalogName” an example of the catalog name.
Repository Publishing Directory
· Create a shared directory for the Repository Publishing Directory. The Master BI Server must
have read and write access to this directory. All other BI Servers must have read access.
· Reference the shared network share for the Repository Publishing Directory
as \\FSHOST\OracleBIData\ClusterRpd.
Cluster-Aware Cache
· Create a shared directory for the global cache. All BI Servers must have read and write access
to this directory.
· Reference the shared global cache as \\FS-HOST\OracleBIData\ClusterCache.
Scheduler Scripts
Create network shares for the Scheduler scripts. The Scheduler servers must have read and write
access to this share.
· Reference the shared Scheduler scripts as \\FS_HOST\OracleBI\Server\Scripts\Common and
· Copy default and custom Scheduler scripts from to the corresponding network shares created for
the Scheduler scripts.
Configuration of OBIEE Components for Clustering, Load Balancing, and Failover
Use the procedures in this topic to configure the Oracle BI components for clustering, load balancing and failover.
Pre-Configuration Summary Tasks
Before configuring the Oracle BI components for clustering and load balancing, perform the following tasks:
· Identify the Cluster Controller to serve as the Primary Cluster Controller.
For example, BI-Server01.
· Identify the Cluster Controller instance to serve as the Secondary Cluster Controller. For
example, BI-Server02.
· Identify the BI Server instance to serve as the Master BI Server. For example, BI-SERVER-01.
· Copy the repository file (RPD) to the machines hosting the BI Servers.
1) The repository file must be copied to OracleBI_HOME\server\Repository.
2) On Linux or UNIX, the file must be copied to OracleBI_HOME/server/Repository.
· Before performing the configurations, shut down all BI services or processes. Restart the BI services or processes after configuration is complete.
Setting Parameters in the NQSConfig.INI File
This topic shows how to use the NQSConfig.INI file to configure your deployment. The NQSConfig.INI file is
located in following folders:
· Windows: OracleBI\server\Config
· Linux or UNIX: OracleBI/server/Config
Change parameters in the NQSConfig.INI file:
1) Open the NQSConfig.INI file for editing.
2) In the Repository section of the NQSConfig.INI, define your repository by setting the logical
Repository name and file name pair. For example: Star = < Custom rpd filename>, DEFAULT;
3) Set Cache parameters. Caching is enabled by default.
To use the cluster-aware caching capability, set the cluster-aware cache parameters for the BI
Sever. In the Query Result Cache section of the NQSConfig.INI file, uncomment and set the
following parameters:
· GLOBAL_CACHE_STORAGE_PATH. Set "<path to shared storage for cache>" and <Size>.
· MAX_GLOBAL_CACHE_ENTRIES. Set <Max number of entries>.
· CACHE_POLL_SECONDS. Set <Polling interval in seconds>.
4) In the Server Section, uncomment the parameter CLUSTER_PARTICIPANT and set it to YES.
5) When the BI Server is a cluster participant, comment out the parameter
6) Set the parameter RPC_SERVICE_OR_PORT to the desired port that the BI Server will listen on. The default port number is 9703.
7) In order for online modifications to be made to the repository, uncomment and set the following
· REPOSITORY_PUBLISHING_DIRECTORY. Set "<path to shared network location>".
Here is the example:
Star = OBIEE_Custom.rpd, DEFAULT;
// Cluster-aware cache
Setting Parameters in the NQClusterConfig.INI File
This topic shows how to use the NQSClusterConfig.INI file to configure your deployment. The NQSClusterConfig.INI file in following folders:
Windows: OracleBI\server\Config
Linux or UNIX: OracleBI/server/Config
Change parameters in the NQClusterConfig.INI file:
· Open the NQClusterConfig.INI file for editing.
· Change the parameter ENABLE_CONTROLLER to YES to enable clustering.
· Identify the Primary and Secondary Cluster Controllers:
1) Change the parameter PRIMARY_CONTROLLER to the machine hosting the Primary Cluster
2) Change the parameter SECONDARY_CONTROLLER to the machine hosting the Secondary Cluster
· Set the parameter SERVERS by entering a comma-separated list of the BI Server hostnames.
· Set the parameter MASTER_SERVER by entering the hostname of the Master BI Server machine.
· Set the parameter SCHEDULERS for the Scheduler servers participating in the cluster.
SCHEDULERS = "sch_scheduler1:<rpc port>:<monitor port>", "sch_scheduler2:<rpc
port>:<monitor port>"; Default Port is 9705
Here is the sample nqclusterconfig.ini file:
SCHEDULERS = "BI-SCHEDULER-01:9705:9708","BI-SCHEDULER-02:9705:9708";
Configuring BI Presentation Services
Oracle BI Presentation Services is configured by setting parameters in the configuration file instanceconfig.xml. The instanceconfig.XML file is located in the following directory:
Windows: OracleBIData_HOME\web\config
Linux or UNIX: OracleBIData_HOME/web/config
Use the following procedure to configure BI Presentation Services on each machine that hosts BI Presentation Services:
· Open the configuration file instanceconfig.xml for editing.
· Locate the <Alerts> element. Configure for communication with the clustered Scheduler instances
in Section Alerts:
ccsPrimary="BI-Server01" ccsPrimaryPort="9706" ccsSecondary="BI-Server02"
· Under the ServerInstance tag, create the JavaHostProxy element.
· Set the JavaHostProxy element attributes and values to point to the Javahost cluster:
<Host address="BI-Server01" port="9810" />
<Host address="BI-Server02" port="9810" />
Where BI-Server01 and BI-Server02 are the machines that host the BI Javahost component. BI Javahost
was installed along with the installation of BI Presentation Services.
The Hosts element contains Host sub-elements that identify the Javahost and port pairs. (The default Javahost
port is 9810.)
1) Use the values in the Port element in the config.xml file on the machine where Javahost
is installed.
2) The config.xml file is located in OracleBI_HOME\web\javahost\config (Windows) and
OracleBI_HOME/web/javahost/config (Linux).
· Modify the <CatalogPath> element to point to the shared Presentation Catalog:
· Under the ServerInstance element, create the Catalog sub-element with the following attributes
and values:
These settings manage when BI Presentation Services cache is updated from disk in environments with multiple BI Presentation Services instances.
· Save changes to the file.
Configuring BI Scheduler on Windows
Use the BI Scheduler Job Manager to configure Scheduler for participation in a BI cluster.
Here are the steps:
· From the Windows Start menu select Programs > Oracle Business Intelligence > Job Manager.
· In Job Manager, select File > Configuration Options
· In the Scheduler > Advanced tab of the Scheduler Configuration window, check the "Participant
in Cluster" check box. The Cluster Monitor Port defaults to 9708. Change this port number as
· In the Scheduler > General tab, set the Scheduler Script Path and Default Script Path to network
Scheduler Script Path = \\FS-HOST\OracleBI\server\Scripts\Scheduler
Default Script Path = \\FS-HOST\OracleBI\server\Scripts\Common
· In the iBots tab of the Scheduler Configuration window, provide a comma-separated list of the
BI Presentation Services instances. OBI Presentation Server = BI-Server01:9710, BI-Server02:9710
where 9710 is the default port on which BI Presentation Services listens to RPC calls.
· In the Java Extension tab of the Scheduler Configuration window, provide the comma-separated
list of BI Javahost instances. Java Host Servers = BI-Server01:9810, BI-Server02:9810
Default Javahost port is ‘9810’.
Configuring BI Scheduler on Linux or UNIX
The Scheduler configuration options are set using schconfig, a console-based application. On the machines
where Scheduler instances are installed, in the directory OracleBI_HOME/setup, run the command schconfig:
· .
· schconfig
Here are the steps:
· From the Delivers Configuration choices that appear, select 1 - Configure Scheduler.
· For each Scheduler Configuration Menu choice shown in the following table, select the listed
parameter and configure as shown.
· Select 0 to quit and save changes when prompted.
· Select 0 to quit the utility
Configuring BI Presentation Services Using J2EE
Follow the steps in this procedure to configure BI Presentation Services Plug-in to communicate with
the multiple BI Presentation Services instances. For the Java servlet, configure the Plug-in in the web.xml file,
located in following directory:
Windows: ORACLE_HOME\j2ee\bianalytics\applications\analytics\analytics\WEB-INF
Linux or UNIX: ORACLE_HOME/j2ee/bianalytics/applications/analytics/analytics/WEB-INF
Here are the steps:
· Open the web.xml file for editing.
· Locate the following param-name and param value pairs:
· Save changes to the file.
· Copy the web.xml file to OracleBI_HOME\web\app\WEB-INF on Windows and to OracleBI_HOME/
web/app/WEB-INF on Linux.
· Restart your Java Servlet container.
Configuring BI Presentation Services Using IIS
Microsoft IIS, configure the Plug-in in the isapiconfig.xml file, located in the directory OracleBIData_HOME\web\config.
Here are the steps:
· Open the isapiconfig.xml file for editing.
· Locate the entry similar to the following:
<ServerConnectInfo address="localhost" port="9710"/>
· Replace this entry with the following lines:
<LoadBalancer autoRoute="true"/>
<Host address="BI-Server01" port="9710"/>
<Host address="BI-Server02" port="9710"/>|
· Save changes to the file.
· Restart IIS.
Modifying the BI ODBC Data Source under Windows
By default, the BI ODBC Data Source Name (DSN) is AnalyticsWeb. The DSN is modified using the
ODBC Data Source Administrator control panel, as shown in the following procedure. Default Port is 9706
Here are the steps:
· On the ODBC Data Source Administrator Systems DSN tab, select the AnalyticsWeb DSN.
· Click the Configure button to open the Oracle BI Server DSN Configuration window.
· Check the box "Is this a clustered DSN."
· In the Primary Controller text box, enter the name of the Primary Cluster Controller:
· In the Secondary Controller text box, enter the name of the Secondary Cluster Controller:
· Set the Controller Port field as appropriate.
Modifying the odbc.ini file under Linux/UNIX
On Linux and UNIX machines, the odbc.ini file is located in the OracleBI_HOME/setup directory. Default Port is 9706
Here are the steps:
· Open the odbc.ini file for editing.
· Make the following modifications:
· Save changes to the file.