How to change the default OC4J port number 9704 to port number 80
If you choose to install the BASIC Oracle BI EE or install Oracle BI SE One, then for the actual running BI applications use the Oracle Container for Java (OC4J). The port on which OC4J listens to the default value of the 9704th This value can sometimes be problematic. Eg. if you want to go to BI customers / partners who are not in your network - ie, access via the Internet. In many cases it is only allowed on the firewall port 80 (the other ports can not log on) and process permits a port on the firewall in some organizations is almost impossible. If you want OC4J to reset a port as the most commonly used port number 80, then just edit a set of configuration files and restart OC4J, BI Server and BI PresentationEckhardt.