How to increase SAW (Presentation Server) logging

o increase the SAW/OBIPS logging level you need to make some changes to logconfig.xml.
  • Open logconfig.xml file located in D:\OracleBIData\web\config folder
  • Add the following lines in the <Filters> node of logconfig.xml:
2 <FilterRecord writerClassGroup="Cout" path = "saw" information="100" warning="100" error="100" security="100"/>
3 <FilterRecord writerClassGroup="File" path = "saw" information="100" warning="100" error="100" security="100"/>
4 <FilterRecord writerClassGroup="File" path = "saw.httpserver.request" information="100" warning="100" error="100" security="100"/>
5 <FilterRecord writerClassGroup="File" path = "saw.httpserver.response" information="100" warning="100" error="100" security="100"/>
6 <FilterRecord writerClassGroup="File" path = "saw.mktgsqlsubsystem.joblog" information="100" warning="100" error="100" security="100"/>
  • You will also need to increase the number of log files being produced. This is also controlled in logconfig.xml.
  • In the <Writers> node, modify Writer implementation:
1<Writer implementation="FileLogWriter" name="Global File Logger" writerClassId="1"
2dir="{%SADATADIR%}/web/log" filePrefix="sawlog" maxFileSizeKb="10000" filesN="100" />
Set the filesN parameter to 100.
  • Logging at this level produces a lot of data. You need to make sure you have an adequate amount of free space on the hard drive to accommodate the additional logs.
  • For changes in logconfig.xml to take affect, presentation services (OBIPS) needs to be restarted.