Stop reports/queries from being automatically fired from dashboard

There are alot of users that wish that reports within dashboards would not fire automatically once entering a dashboard or dashboard page.  So what is the solution?   There is a pretty good solution to this problem out there that uses the concept of guided navigation; but, it doesn’t work.  On the surface it looks like it works but in reality the report queries are still being fired off, as one would be able to see via the NQQUERY.LOG.  Now keep in mind if caching is turned on, and the report queries are cached you may not see the queries in the log file.  But you most definitely will see that they were fired off if you turn caching off.  Now my solution to the problem is as follows:
You will need Dashboard->”Save Selections”, and Dashboard->”Assign Default Selections” privileges.
1. Put the reports that are required to not fire off within a collapsible dashboard section.  The collapsible property is a section property.  Save dashboard page.
2. Now go to your dashboard and the dashboard page.  Clear out all the dashboard prompts’ values.
3. Collapse the sections you do not want to be fired off.
4. Select “page options”->”save current selections”->”For Others”.   A “Save Current Selections” box will appear like below:
Put in the selection name, check off “Make this my default for this page” and then click “Set Permissions”.  Here in the permissions select all groups you want to apply this default selection to, which most likely is all of them.
And you are finished.
One point to make.  Some may ask, Why did I have to clear out dashboard prompts and Won’t my saved selections now not show the default values of the prompts that are set.  The answer is, we cleared out the values of the prompts so that the selection we are saving only saves that the sections are collapsed and that we are not saving any prompt values.  When the prompts are clear it is not saying to clear out prompts whose default values are set via the dashboard prompts.  On the contrary, you will see when you go back to this dashboard page that the default prompts are correctly set and the sections are collapsed.
This might not be the most elaborate solution since the sections are collapsed and it entails that users uncollapse the sections to see the reports and fire them off.  But for the current release this is the best solution that I could come up with that worked.
Now what this will do is show your dashboard prompts and all the sections.  When a user want to then see a report and fire off the query all they will have to do is click on the collapsible button, which will open it up and fire off all reports contained.
How this works is that all sections that are collapsed are disabled and will not be enabled until opening up.  The guided navigation solution fired reports off since all that it does is hide the section but the section is still enabled.