Oracle BI EE – Help URL in Title View

I had an user today emailing me about the non-working of Help URLs in Title Views. I thought i would take a look and the results were pretty strange. First to give you a background, Help URLs are those URLs to specifc documents that an end user can refer to while looking at a report. They occur as Question Marks on the top of a title view. When one clicks on the question mark it would take you to the document specified in the help URL. Now lets start with entering some simple URL like in the Help URL text area and see what happens.
Well, in fact nothing happens. Then lets try entering just fmap: in the Help URL and see what happens. Now we get the “?” in the preview. But if you hover over this question mark you would notice that the URL would be something like this “http://localhost:9704/analytics/Missing_”. Very strange. So far, i am not sure why the Missing_ is appended to this. Maybe because of OC4J.
I confirmed this is the same behaviour even in and Now, the question is how do we get this to work. In order to make this work, go to {OracleBI}\oc4j_bi\j2ee\home\applications\analytics\analytics and create a folder calledMissing_.
Once this is done copy all your html help documents into this folder. For example, lets copy a html document AboutPrompts.html from {OracleBI}\oc4j_bi\j2ee\home\applications\analytics\analytics\olh\l_en to {OracleBI}\oc4j_bi\j2ee\home\applications\analytics\analytics\Missing_. Now restart OC4J. Enter fmap:\AboutPrompts.htm in the Help URL text area. Now you can see that you would be able to access this html page directly by clicking on the Question Mark. So, all you need to do is copy and paste all the necessary documents to {OracleBI}\oc4j_bi\j2ee\home\applications\analytics\analytics\Missing_ and restart OC4J.