Oracle BI EE – URL Parameters

I had blogged a couple of times about the various uses of GO URL parameters. But if you had noticed, the documentation is not comprehensive enough. Also, apart from GO URL we also have a lot of other options. I would classify them as URL parameters. GO URL and Dashboard URL parameters would help in integrating BI EE reports and dashboards into any application. But what if you want other components like Answers, Delivers etc to be integrated? For this we have the generic URL parameters. Lets try to understand the URL format of BI EE. Following would be the generic syntax
Hostname: Machinename hosting BI EE Presentation Services (eg: localhost)
Port: Web Server Port (eg: 9704)
CMD: Command thats actually passed to saw.dll. This determines which page should be opened Eg: GO, Dashboard etc
PARAMETERS: The parameters that CMD above accepts Eg: &nquser, &nqpassword etc
I am in the process of documenting all the list of CMD values and their corresponding Parameters. So far, i have found around 62 CMD values and about 38 parameters. You can get the list below. It is still a draft version. I will be adding more and more as and when i find some new ones. Also, do let me know if you find any. I have found this to be pretty useful especially to understand how BI EE works. All these were taken by sifting through a lot of XML messages and Java Scripts.
You can download the list here
I have found some interesting ones. For example, PreviewGo would give the preview format of an Answers report.
Eg: http://localhost:9704/analytics/saw.dll?PreviewGO&Path=/shared/paint+demo/navigation/navigation1
IssueRawSQL would give a new window wherein one can issue/test Logical SQL commands.
Eg: http://localhost:9704/analytics/saw.dll?IssueRawSQL