When creating dahsboard prompt is not exactly easy to get prompt several times one dimension (eg - time data from the Moon and the Moon). When reposting the same column, the requirement is ignored.Total viable solution is to select slouopec only once and use relationship "between" Which leads to the result but sometimes we need to do just that in one dimension prompt appeared more than once - see the example: Then we encounter a problem that when creating a prompt is not possible to specify multiple times the same column dimension (in our example month) several times. To circumvent this, you need to use that when creating the prompt in fact does not check the column itself, just its name. Just then the presentation layer to create a repository to the relevant column of an alias to a column such as "Moon" aka "moon". Then when selecting the prompt can also use the features and functions as an expression instead of the original write his column alias names in our case, use the Time. "Month", instead of the Time. "Month". Now you can easily enter into the prompt the same column again - either under the original name or under another alias.