Using SQL view to create filters in the selection column
The procedure can be easily demonstrated by example. Let us look at the data according to the following criteria: On top of this inquiry must be prompt to create columns Month, which is a requirement that they have offered only the values of months, meeting the following criteria: 2006/01 <= Month <= zp_mesic_max (zp_mesic_max repository is a variable) but not Offering months 2006/04, 2007/01 and 2008/02 and the order in which the moon in the selection of offers must be from top to bottom. It is obvious that the solution is the inclusion of the SQL query. To avoid over to SQL to be thinking too much, you can use very fast and effortless method of thinking.Create a selection containing only Period.Month column, it will create the appropriate filter and adjust the display order from top to bottom. On the "Advanced" to display the SQL code view. The textyou put in the clipboard and then insert the SQL command window prompt. The result is : Offered values are actually ranked from top to bottom, and missing them in 2008/02 (and other forbidden values).