Very standard act in BI is the construction of indicators forming the time series. For example, we defined indicator NUMBER. However, the user needs to see simultaneously in the same row of the table value of COUNT in the current month in the previous month ... to be 6 months back. The solution is simple - use the Ago () function Analytic Server, see instructions. here . In my case the business model arise new logical columns POCET01, POCET02, ..., POCET06 defined as: Logical column POCET01: AGO (BIFARM01.FAKTA_FNL.POCET, BIFARM01.CASDim.Měsíc, 1) logical column POCET02: AGO (BIFARM01.FAKTA_FNL.POCET, BIFARM01.CASDim.Měsíc , 2) ... The logical column POCET06: AGO (BIFARM01.FAKTA_FNL.POCET, BIFARM01.CASDim.Měsíc, 6) but I ran into a small snag. Newly created logical column I put into presentation catalog and began testing. I managed to create in BI Answers combination thus created only two logical columns. When I began to look progressively add the third, fourth, etc column, I got this error: ORA-00942: table or view does not exist. helped the following: In the physical layer The metadata repository is required at the source database rozkliknout Properties tab. And this check boxPERF_PREFER_INTERVAL_STITCH_JOIN , then save the repository and restart the BI Server. After that time a number of works without fault!