It often happens that for some calculations performed directly in BI Answers is a range of functions available is inadequate. From Obie version can be used to add database functionality directly in the BI Answers - either native source database function or function zadefinované and translated in source database. To insert function is used EVALUATE clause written to the editing window, "Edit Column Formula". The syntax is as follows: EVALUATE ('jméno_funkce' (% 1,% 2, ....,% N) ', parametr_1, parametr_2, ..., parametr_n). Example of database functions with one parameter: EVALUATE ('lower (% 1)' 'J and R i') Meaning: a database LOWER function with single parameter and that is the word of J and R s. The result is a text display it feel familiar. Example of database functions with two parameters: Very simple database function "sum" done sum of two numbers: CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION sum (c1 NUMBER, c2 NUMBER) RETURN NUMBER IS NUMBER C; BEGIN c: = c1 + c2; RETURN C END sum; /function has been compiled and stored in the source database. We will use it in the report where there are columns "Year", "CASTKA_C" and "CASTKA_S" for the sum of both amounts. Writing is as follows: EVALUATE ('sum (% 1,% 2)' DENIK.CASTKA_C, 2 * Diary. CASTKA_S)Which means: a database function "sum" with two parameters, and column DENIK.CASTKA_C DENIK.CASTKA_S. The result is obvious: