If you need to link multiple reports into one another with the functionality of the transmission parameters, the selected source column report set "Navigation" link to report the target to the selected column has a filter called "Contains a challenge." After the user clicks on a value in the source report is automatically redirected to the target report, with the target data according to a report filter out the source of values. Everything works perfectly if you work in a target area with the identically named tables and columns (or aliases), but what if you want to connect all reports from other areas tables and columns named differently? there are several solutions: 1 / JavaScript Gonave 2 / URL API GO 3 / Navigation + invitation + filter contains the query 4 / .... surely there are other options:) 1 / JavaScript Gonave JavaScript Gonave is part of the BI Presentation Services and its code is located in the viewhelper.js. Usage is quite simple, but as part of the code you write by hand and also know what to write - ie not for business users who prefer simple mouse clicks.The main disadvantage is that it allows Gonave to pass only one parameter! (of course, nothing prevents you from making you based on Gonave created a custom function that allows multiple parameters) a detailed description see the documentation for Oracle BI Presentation Services Administration Guide, Section Navigation Using JavaScript 215th page 2 / URL API Go Passing multiple parameters (currently up to version 6) addresses the reporting of GO URL API. Its advantages are its options, which is really a lot - for example, is used to integrate Oracle BI with external applications.The disadvantage is the relatively more than handwriting Gonave and greater complexity - again, not for business users. Detailed description, see the documentation for Oracle BI Presentation Services Administration Guide, Chapter Passing Filters to the Oracle BI Presentation Services Go URL Through a URL (Navigation) 212th Page 3 / Navigation + invitation + Filter contains the query I recently, along with Peter Podbraným come to the next option, which is much simpler than the previous ones (it is clicking the mouse) and of course supports passing multiple parameters. This option uses the standard navigation + filter "Includes invitation," plus a filter based on the results of another query. With this combination we are able to connect to any reports and pass them between the parameters of the different target areas, tables and columns. How to do it and what is the trick? In my case I have two reports:
- Source report over the target area sales analysis (Czech metadata), columns Geografie.Stát, and Období.Rok Výnosy.Výnos
- Target report over the target area of Paint (English metadata), columns Markets.Market, and Periods.Year SalesMeasures.Dollars