Oracle BI EE – Presentation Catalog Captions

There was one question today in the forums here with regard to the procedure for setting up Presentation Catalog Captions. Even though it is pretty much straight forward, i thought i would blog about it here since there have been some confusion with regard to the folders where Captions had to be copied. Let me first start with a brief introduction of what Presentation Catalog Captions actually mean. As you would know, BI EE suppors a variety of languages. The login screen would contain the list box having the list of languages and one can choose language based on his locale/preference. But when you actually login using the various languages you would find that all the Dashboards, Folders, Reports etc would be in Englidh by default. So what presentation catalog captions does is that it provides a procedure for translating all the presentation catalog data to the desired language. In our case, we will see how to go about converting the presentation catalog captions to french.
1.   Open the Catalog Manager. Open your presentation catalog in offline mode. The presentation catalog, if you had done a default install, would be under this directory {OracleBIData}/web/catalog/paint. Now go to Tools and click on Export Captions. That would prompt you to save the output XML file. Save this in any folder.
In my case i had copied it to D drive. As you see, the export process will basically create different XML files for different catalogs. The XML file of our interest is the PaintDemoCaptions.XML.
2.   Go to {OracleBIData}/web/res and create a folder l_fr(fr denotes the language french. If you are trying to do this for some other language put the corresponding abbr here). Open l_fr folder and under that create another folder called Captions. Now copy the PaintDemoCaptions.XML to this Captions directory.
3.   Open this XML file. As you would see this XML file would contain multiple tags and each of the names of Dashboards, Report, Folders etc would be under the Text Tags. Our aim is to translate these text strings to French. Just for demonstration purposes i would be showing the translation of a Dashboard Page Name and a Report name. I have used Babel Fish web site here to do the translation of 2 strings. The 2 strings i translated are
   Paint Demo   -   Peignez la Démo
   Brand Analysis   -   Analyse De Marque
Change these names in the PaintDemoCaptions.XML file and save the file.
4.   Restart the presentation services. First open the login to the dashboards with English as the language.
Log out and then login with French as the language.
As you see above the report name and the dashboard names have been translated to french.