Year Ago Calculation Without Time Series Functions

This article explains you how to calculate year ago measures with out using time-series function.
Usually, for requirement like: measure, year ago measure want to show.. we’ll go for 2 measures. One is: Measure and YearAgoMeasure calculated through time-series.
This blog entry also avoid to create other column for calculating year ago measure..
Here is the procedure:
I’m assuming you have Year dashboard Prompt, assigned with presentation variable: var_Year
1. Create a filter on year column in this way:
2. And filter should be like this:
3.  go to Pivot then arrange columns in this fashion and view Results:
You’ll be noticed that results are giving current/(selected year from prompt) and previous year values ..
Note: Apply descending order on Year column..
You may not like the labels showing year values. Instead of that, you may need to see the labels like: Current and Prior..
This can be done by writing following condition in Year Fx :
CASE WHEN Time.”Fiscal Year” = @{var_Year} then ‘Current’ when Time.”Fiscal Year” = @{var_Year}-1 then ‘Prior’ END
Hope it’ll helpful to you..
Limitation with this approach is: we’re using Advanced filter, which will not appear dynamically changing years in filters view (if you add filter view to compound layout)